Covid-19. It’s all anyone is talking about these days. And rightfully so. In less than a few short months, a single virus has fundamentally impacted all of humanity.
Many of the impacts are obviously negative; the news is filled with talk of death tolls, mandatory lockdowns, PPE shortages, hospital overcrowding, stock market crashes, economic downfall…the list goes on.
Oh, but those silver linings. Tragedy brings people together like noting else can, and the coronavirus crisis is no exception. Mutual hope for a better future brings about the good deeds of today. Positivity unites. People inspire. There is so much beauty to be found in dark times.
Maybe we are biased here at Staten Island Parent, but kids have truly been our rocks through all of this. Sure, they drive us crazy, but at the end of the day, their strength is our strength. They’re our reason and inspiration for pushing forward.
Staten Island Parent has started our own initiative to spread a message of positivity. Cabin Fever Candids is an ongoing gallery loaded with images of children keeping busy at home during quarantine. Check it out for ideas or just to bring a smile to your face! You can also submit your own child’s photos until April 30th.
This message has been circulating on social media in Staten Island and we couldn’t agree more:
“Everyone is applauding everyone but our kids!! These little heroes have stayed indoors more than they’ve ever known in their lives. Their whole worlds have literally been turned upside down. All these rules they’ve never known. A life they couldn’t have imagined. Adults talking about others becoming unwell, news reporting death after death. Our poor babies minds must be racing. Every day they get up and carry on despite all that’s going on. So here’s to our little heroes, today, tomorrow, forever. ❤️”
The Rainbows Over Staten Island and Beyond Facebook group is growing exponentially by day. Children (and grownups too!) are placing rainbows in their windows as a sign of hope and encouragement. The group has even expanded into neighboring boroughs and cities.
This absolutely moving work of art by 23 year old local artist James Cox really needs no explanation. The tribute to all local heroes during the Covid-19 pandemic is EXACTLY what Staten Island needs right now. Mr. Cox would love to sell prints (and donate proceeds to the relief effort), so he set up a GoFundMe page asking for funding.
The thing we love about this image is that it truly represents everyone helping through this crisis: from doctors and nurses to sanitation and postal workers — and everyone in between. It’s a tribute to ALL essential workers, and to Staten Island as a whole.
Recent recommendations indicate that people should be wearing masks in public. The healthcare workers on the front lines need them most, and hospitals are facing shortages as a result. A lot of generous folks out there are looking donate in any way they can.
The Facebook group Masks for Staten Island Heroes offers helpful advice for making your own masks to donate and also posts hospitals’ in need of masks.
A GoFundMe page has been started by local dad Michael Perina, whose child was the first on Staten Island to be tested for the coronavirus (his test came back negative!). While his son was in ICU, Mr. Perina, who runs run a fabrication shop on Staten Island, realized he could use 3D printers to create Face Shields for medical staff. According to his GoFundMe page:
“With the help of a great local non-profit Makerspace, we are able to produce 200x face-shields per day with the ultimate goal of producing 3,000 face shields to start. With the help from our friends over at Makerspace these face shields will be donated to hospitals throughout NYC as they are needed. We need to order PLA plastic filament, clear sheets of PETG and the elastic head straps along with supplies for hygiene including gloves and bags. In the event we raise more than we can possibly produce, all excess funds will either be donated to a cause helping fight the COVID-19 virus or to possibly fund another item we can produce that will help fight this virus.”
The Carl V Bini Memorial Fund traveled all over Staten Island delivering more than 25,000 masks and 100,000 pairs of gloves to police precincts and fire houses.
Although students and teachers aren’t physically in school, they are utilizing a virtual learning environment to be together anyway.
- Staten Island Tech students performed their spring musical entirely online from separate homes. Watch it here.
- I.S. 24 created a tribute video.
- P.S. 78 created a tribute video.
- I.S 24’s dance students created a beautiful video.
- I.S. 72’s video can be seen here.
(We will update this page as more videos are published!)
Not only do we have the most amazing essential workers here on Staten Island (once again, see James Cox’s image above) but we also have a beautiful support system helping the men and women on the front lines get the job done.
The Essential Heroes Project was started by two wives of FDNY workers to bring smiles to essential workers and those keeping everyone safe through this crisis — and in doing so, it helps teach children how to express gratitude. See their video on Facebook here.
Despite being essential workers themselves, restaurants Island-wide are donating food to hospitals and first responders every day.
Borough President Oddo partnered with the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce, the United Federation of Teachers and local restaurants and caterers the Feeding Our Frontline initiative, which provides grab & go meals to hospital staffs at Staten Island University Hospital (both the North and South campuses) and Richmond University Medical Center.
The Heroes to Heroes initiative allows people to purchase deeply discounted three-foot and six-foot heroes from select restaurants and have it to delivered to the “hero” of their choice (hospitals, FDNY, NYPD, DSNY).
Wendy’s is offering free coffee and Frosties to medical personnel and first responders.
Richmond Republic, Hop Shoppe, The Pizza Parlor and Play Sport Bar are matching food donations to hospitals through their Donate a Meal to Local Heroes program.
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