A Message to Parents from Luke J. Nasta, President and CEO of Camelot
Dear Parents and Loved Ones,
You find yourself frozen in fear. You have a loved one afflicted by drug or alcohol misuse. You experience a sense of helplessness on how to redirect the person’s life choices. Embarrassment and shame prevent you from openly admitting that the problem exists. Things continue to worsen, and you wait for the call informing you of a death. You don’t know where or to whom to turn.
We can help before the inevitable happens and haunts your own lives. All services are confidential, and our Family Association meetings are free. We can’t contact you. You must reach out to us. Camelot can help; contact us or just show up at a meeting. You don’t need to speak, just listen.
Best of luck.
Camelot’s Family Support Association meets weekly on the campus of Seaview Hospital at 460 Brielle Ave., Building H, every Friday at 7:30pm (walk-ins welcome). Call 718-981-8117 for more information.