Los Niños Services

Serving young children who have developmental delays or disorders
Our specialty is serving young children who have developmental delays or disorders such as autism, pervasive developmental delay, speech delays/disorders, motor delays/disorders, cognitive and overall delays, adaptive delays. We are staffed by licensed or certified professionals in the following disciplines: special education, speech pathology, psychology, social work, physical therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition, vision specialists. Los Niños Services is an award-winning multilingual agency serving the developmental needs of young children and their families. We specialize in home and community-based evaluations and services, parent/child groups, and training for early childhood professionals, parents, and students. Our staff are experienced clinicians who pride themselves on being of great service to others. The programs through which we provide services are the Early Intervention Program, Preschool Special Education (in Westchester County), Private Services, and ABA Private Insurance Services.