With a wintry chill in the air (and government-mandated orders to stay home) it’s easy to gloss over the fact that spring has officially sprung. Remind your little homeschoolers that the new season is here with these adorable, springy crafts.
Paper Bag Bug Butterfly
“Do-A-Dot markers makes this craft extra fun for little ones since they can easily personalize their butterfly with whatever colors they choose.” ~ I Heart Crafty Things
Rainbow Flowers
“We made a beautiful rainbow flower garden out of one of my favorite craft materials, cupcake liners.” ~ I Heart Crafty Things
Egg Carton Flowers
“I had a few egg cartons left over from all of our egg dyeing festivities from Easter, so we decided to make some fun Spring themed crafts with them.” ~ I Heart Arts n Crafts
Q-Tip Daisies
“These Q-tip daisies are an adorable craft and are great for fine motor skills.” ~ The Pinterested Parent
Paper Plate String Sun
“We used a plastic yarn needle to make this because it’s a great way for kids to get used to holding a needle for beginning sewing crafts.” ~ I Heart Crafty Things
“These Paper Plate Snails are simply adorable and super easy to make. What a great rainy day craft, or one as you gear up for a season change.” ~ This ‘N That With Olivia
“I have always loved calla lilies. I remember wanting to use them exclusively in my wedding bouquet until we started talking price and how much it would cost to do what I was envisioning. Fortunately, the cost for my envisioned calla lily flower craft was much for affordable.” ~Resourceful Mama
Paper Plate Love Birds
“They are so easy to make and kids can get really creative with their designs; adding colour and patterns to make their love birds stand out from the flock.” ~Arty Crafty Kids