The school year is winding down, and that means summer break is right around the corner. Kids will be out playing, using their imaginations, and wearing colorful summer clothes, which makes summer the perfect time to let them pretend to rebel a bit with temporary tattoos.
These easy-to-apply pieces of temporary body art let kids express themselves and exercise their imaginations. By trying on seemingly adult-like body decorations, children can play dress-up with more than just clothes and embody different characters in their play.
Playing dress-up is a vital part of developing key traits like empathy, problem-solving skills, and creativity while exploring imaginative spaces. Temporary tattoos can add an element of edginess to their play as they pretend to be outlaws, rock stars, pro wrestlers, surfers or just grownups.
Put all that aside, and temporary tattoos are just fun! It’s like having your face painted or doodling on your skin with markers, except they last longer than the former and are much neater than the latter (unless your kid is really talented, in which case try not to let them near the Sharpies).
While retail temporary tattoos are easily available, parents with creative little ones can go the extra mile for a smile with original designs. These decorations let grownups and kids express themselves while learning about art and design. They can have a temporary tattoo of their own invention and be the envy of all their friends still wearing the same old boring dollar store tattoos.
Custom temporary tattoos are both higher quality and longer lasting than most store-bought kinds, and ordering a run of the same pattern can mean kids replace fading tattoos, rocking their impermanent ink for a longer time.
Temporary tattoos are an easy, fun way for kids to explore their inventiveness and identities, and custom tattoos only make creativity and individuality stand out more. Parents can even get in on the action by creating some stylish designs of their own or by matching tats with the kiddos!
Get started creating custom tattoos for your whole family at StickerYou.com.
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