With the COVID-19 quarantine keeping folks homebound while springtime weather beckons outdoors, we’re wondering how parents are coping with keeping kids inside all day. Everyone needs a little fresh air, especially children! So we asked our friends on Facebook if they are letting their kids play outside regularly. It seems the majority of parents are still allowing for outdoor play, but with tight restrictions. Here are some of the responses from fellow Staten Islanders:
“We go for walks and ride bikes. Problem is when neighborhood kids see us, they right away come to play. I don’t want to seem rude so I tell kids it’s time to go up. I feel for these kids. I allow them to ride bikes together but once they want to sit and chat, I say no.” —Christine L.
“We’ve been hanging with a neighbor for occasional b-ball and walks. My teen is allowed to go out for walks with a few friends and no more than 3-4 in the basement after proper protocol. Hand sanitizer when entering, straight to bathroom to hand wash (as long as no one is coughing, etc.) then after they are gone I go down and spray Lysol on everything.” — Christine C.
“They ride bikes in front of house with me there. We schedule it from 5-6 daily. We wave to people and smile but don’t talk. But we do yell conversations across the street to our neighbor.” —Christine H.
“We go outside but no parks. We went for a walk in our neighborhood yesterday. It felt great. Fresh air.” –Heidy S.
“We play in the backyard and take neighbor walks, adding in some learning activities with chalk, bubbles, water play, nature, etc!” —Nicole A.
“Only in our yard or for walks with the dog. No parks. No getting together with friends, etc. Staying cautious.” —Annemarie R.
“Out in the backyard. Little guy loves walking on the beach – which is great – but parks are nearby, which he’d want to go to. He has autism, and telling him NO is a huge trigger.” –Dawn V.
“No. My kid is staying inside, except for a short walk around the block. And no, FaceTime is enough for know. We need this to be over sooner than later.” –Nilda N.
“Just either in our yard or right in front of the house. I have 4 kids so they keep each other company. No play dates with other kids.” —Christina S.
“This is when having close age siblings came handy. They play basketball outside, or there’s no rain we may go biking (but not at business hours, as I am hooked with work), or backyard dryland practice.” –Elena P.
“We have a big backyard. So my kids are playing outside. But it’s just them and me.” –Cathy A.
“I let them play outside in front of the house but maybe for 30 minutes. They can’t stay cooped up in the house forever.” —Michelle S.
“No playgrounds. Only in our yard, across the street from our house is a big open field- sports/exercise. Not around any people. Riding bikes around the house, again where there aren’t any people….hiking in the woods- away from all people.” –Sheena M.
“Walk by beach– not a problem since people seem to be staying away from others ( social distancing) or backyard. If noone in basketball courts at beach we ll play. But if more people come we leave.” –Stacey E.
“I let him ride his bike with neighbor. Kids can’t be cooped up inside all day.” –Dana A.
“We go for walks every day & on trampoline in yard!”–Ginger S.
“We are going to the boardwalk and beach twice a day & keeping distance from people.” –Oksana S.
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