After being closed to the public since March, the Staten Island Zoo is now open to members and non-members. Only outdoor exhibits are currently open and all visitors must reserve tickets in advance.
Although Covid-19 caused “NYC’s biggest little zoo” to shut its gates for several months, the animals inside have been thriving, well-cared for by Zoo staff. Zookeepers aired weekly live demonstrations during quarantine via Facebook and Instagram, keeping the public updated on the animals and educating curious kids and adults. They celebrated hornbill, binturong, and fossa birthdays, held a bee-naming contest (oh hey, Queen Ruth Bee-der Ginsburg), welcomed a new baby lemur and baby porcupine, hosted virtual field trips for local schools and more.
With the Zoo’s reopening, visitors can expect some changes and safety protocols, such as:
- Additional staff, with enhanced equipment, will clean and disinfect Zoo grounds, consistently and often.
- Zoo admittance is limited to the Clove Rd. entrance (across from the Zoo parking lot on the corner of Martling Ave and Clove Rd.). The broadway entrance is closed.
- Admission tickets must be purchased in advance.
- Ticketing terminals are now contactless.
- Face coverings and social distancing are required.
- Sanitizing stations can be found throughout the Zoo.
- The Zoo Café is closed for indoor dining. Food can be ordered and picked up at windows outside.
- The Carousel and Kids Korral is temporarily closed.
The Staten Island Zoo is located at 614 Broadway in the West Brighton section of Staten Island. The Zoo is open seven days a week, 10am-4:45 pm. Entrance for adults and teens is $10, $7 for seniors, $6 for kids and free for babies and toddlers age 2 and under.
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