Here’s what Staten Island businesses are doing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scroll down to submit a request (FREE) and we will include it here.
Barbara Rauch Tutoring Service, Inc
465 Belfield Avenue • 10312 | 718.227.0121 | br465ts@gmail.com | barbararauchtutoringservice.com
Our virtual TACHS program will begin the week of June 15th. Also, we will have an intense Summer Math Boot Camp and SAT refresher class for seniors.
The Write Place
347.461.0135 | readandwritemindfully@gmail.com | Facebook
Writing coach and tutoring services available: resume writing & formatting, cover letters, high school essays, college essays, creative writing, business documents, and specialty documents.
347.461.0135 | readandwritemindfully@gmail.com | Facebook
One in a Million Tutoring & Enrichment
Danielle Pierre | 929.265.1298 | oneinamilliontutoring@gmail.com | Facebook.com/oneinamilliontutoring
20% off all REMOTE tutoring packages, for the remainder of the school year. It will help navigate and incorporate your school’s remote learning format to provide thoughtful interactive support to connect the dots and continue learning.
TNT Education and Tutoring
917.856.7598 | tnteducation225@gmail.com
In lieu of private home tutoring for most high school and middle school subjects, as well as for SAT and ACT, one-on-one 90-minute video chat sessions at reduced rates are available to a limited number of students on a weekly basis.
FasTracKids & Eye Level Learning
1461 Hylan Blvd • 10305 | 718.351.7333 | valentino8808@gmail.com | ftkny.com
FasTracKids & Eye Level Learning of greater Staten Island has closed its centers however our teachers are home working remotely with students until we reopen. We are offering Eye Level Online Virtual Tutoring programs, so please call us!
Tutoring by Christine LLC
3845 Richmond Avenue • 10312 | 917.948.9089 | tutoring.by.christine.312@gmail.com | tutoringbychristine.com
We are continuing individual and class tutoring via Zoom. We are following safety guidelines at all times and are accepting new students. We are also offering new classes: Math Content SAT classes; Math Bootcamp grades 5-7. TACHS prep classes.
Premier Tutoring by Samantha
Math, Science & ELA | Specializing in NYS Regents Exams
We are now offering virtual tutoring and Homework help through Face Time and Zoom. Call 917-885-4355 For more information or message us on Facebook.
Tutoring by Jennie
718.702.2724 | Tutoringbyjennie@gmail.com | Facebook
Offering virtual tutoring and homework help via Zoom. Specializing in grades k-5 and reading programs for struggling readers.
Resource Room Inc.
718.873.5323 | info@resourceroomsi.com | resourceroomsi.com
We are open now for 1-on1 virtual tutoring appointments. We can provide tutoring and homework help for all major subjects. We are the only tutoring company partnered with Wagner College Department of Lifelong Learning to provide SHSAT & TACHS prep.
The Tutoring Underground
917.834.9696 | yurygetsin@gmail.com | TheTutoringUnderground.com
While our classes on the location are closed, I am offering donation-based lessons over video chat during this difficult time for everyone. Use the website to book the special online classes for 30 minutes. I will email you a file for the student to complete before the class. Please book in advance so your student has a chance to do the work before the class.
Southfield Institute/Smiles Around Us Academy
351 Sand Lane • 10305 347.216.0480 | administration@southfieldinstitute.com | southfieldinstitute.com
We continue educating our students remotely. Our team of teachers delivers instruction in all subject areas live.
Studio 11 Dance Company
95 Lincoln Ave • 10306 | 718.980.0350 | Studio11dancecompany@gmail.com | Studio11dancecompany.com
Now offering virtual dance and acro lessons through ZOOM and FREE Instagram live classes & workshops! Email us for our schedule and for more information!
Reflections in Dance
4215 Hyland Blvd. • 10308 | 718.356.1480 | reflectionsindance.ny@gmail.com | reflectionsNY.dance
Now offering online classes via ZOOM in place of our regularly scheduled classes.
Rise Dance Studios
1 Gunton Place • 10309 | 718.966.7473 | risedancestudios@gmail.com | risedancestudios.com
Now offering RD-Stream, a full schedule of weekly online dance classes in place of our regular weekly classes. By bringing the joy of dance straight to your home, we hope to make the transition back into class seamless. The weekly curriculum includes Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Tap, Acro & Technique Classes. Rise Dance Studios is also streaming their DanceHIIT Adult Fitness Classes FREE for all to enjoy! Email us for more information.
Tentative Re-Opening Date: April 20
Center Stage Dance Co. Ltd.
718.908.1841 | centerstagedanceltd@yahoo.com | facebook.com/CenterStageDanceCoLtd
We are offering a virtual studio beginning on Monday, March 23, which will allow our current students to take their full schedule of weekly classes at home. This week, and continuing throughout the weeks to come, we have been offering free daily content to the general public. A quick, at-home ab workout & a gentle yoga flow is just a couple of the videos we have available on our YouTube Channel.
Kiddie Wonderland
718.701.0439 | contact@kiddiewonderland.com
• Live Video Book Reading in Your PJ’s every Monday at 7:00 pm. To join, log in to your Facebook account and go to Kiddie Wonderland’s Facebook page.
• Let’s Dance with Kiddie Wonderland Characters Live Video every Thursday at 11:00 am. Each week will be a new character. To join, log in to your Facebook account and go to Kiddie Wonderland’s Facebook page.
– Music
Music Together
Try Music Together live on Facebook for free on Friday and Saturay at 11am. Visit Facebook.com/sifamilymusicfamilies. We are a premier early childhood music and enrichment program. Perfect for families with children; newborns, toddlers, preschoolers, and their older siblings, too!
Staten Island School of ROCK
4 Giffords Lane • 10308 | 718.984.6988 | sorstudios@gmail.com | sischoolofrock.com/virtual
Are you going mad stuck at home? What better time to offer your children music lessons! We are offering Virtual Music Lessons.
Castellano’s House of Music
1013 Richmond Avenue • 10314 | 917.355.2536 | Info@castellanoshouseofmusic.com | castellanoshouseofmusic.com
We’re offering all music lessons online & also offering free delivery/curbside pickup of special order items from our stores.
Music With Patrick
Patrick@musicwithpatrick.com | 718.930.4555 | MusicWithPatrick.com
Hi everyone. Hope you and your families are ok. To help Staten Island – and all – families through this tough time, I – aka Mr. Patrick – am giving daily performances on Facebook Live. Here’s the schedule: Mondays to Fridays at 6pm; Monday at 10am; Saturday at 10am. Just go the Music With Patrick Facebook page and be ready to have FUN! Song requests and birthday shout-outs encouraged.
Professional Performance Prep
116 Oceanport Avenue Building #2, 2nd Floor, Little Silver, New Jersey, 07739 | 732.702.1731 | info@theprepnj.com | theprepnj.com
The Prep has gone completely digital with Zoom Group Classes & private lessons with instructors. Visit theprepnj.com for more info.
DEA Music and Art School
DEA Music and Art School always offered online classes. We are the best at it! Whether it is instrumental classes or vocal lessons we have you covered. Contact us at Assist@deamusicandart.com or call 718.370.7733 for more information.
– Arts & Culture
Yaymaker Staten Island
917.751.2473 | renee.sarno@localyaymaker.com | yaymaker.com/hosts/renee-sarno-sipaintparty-3503
Virtual Paint Nite classes with Yaymaker Staten Island. Need supplies? Email us for delivery to your Staten Island doorstep.
IlluminArt Productions
347.951.9650 | arlene.illuminart@gmail.com | illuminart.org
IlluminArt has put together fun instructional videos for kids on their YouTube channel. Learn how to make sock puppets, dancing marionettes and more!
Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden
1000 Richmond Terrace • 10301 | 718.425.3504 | info@snug-harbor.org | snug-harbor.org
We are excited to have launched Snug Harbor at Home: a brand new series of live stream events, hands-on activities, and virtual explorations, bringing the best of Snug Harbor to you! Learn more at snug-harbor.org/snugharborathome
Staten Island Children’s Museum
1000 Richmond Terrace, Bldg M • 10301 | 718.273.2060 | jdudley@sichildrensmuseum.org | sichildrensmuseum.org
Check out our free “At Home with SICM” videos and activity sheets that extend the programs of the Children’s Museum into homes. Art, Story Time, KidzCook, Animal Time, and Family Adventure Walks are included. Visit our website for more info.
– Science
Bricks 4 Kids
72 Sharrott Avenue • 10309 | 347.534.7925 | dcesare@bricks4kidz.com | bricks4kidz.com/SINY
We are beginning online workshops on Saturday, May 2nd. Signup on our website. Coming soon summer online programs and onsite programs meeting social distancing guidelines limited to 6 students per workshop. Email inquiries to dcesare@bricks4kidz.com
Crazy Science
347.401.2404 | Aatv.usa@gmail.com | scienceshowforkids.com
Science for kids. Classes online.
Rutgers Geology Museum
85 Somerset St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
848.932.7243 | geologymuseum@sas.rutgers.edu | geologymuseum.rutgers.edu
Free Virtual “Ask A Geologist” Series! Tune in Tuesdays & Thursdays for a short lecture and Q&A session. We hope to engage children and answer their questions! During each event, our geologist will first introduce the day’s geologic topic and then answer your questions about it! Events are primarily aimed at elementary and middle school-aged children, but all ages are welcome to join and learn something new!
–Fitness / Health & Wellness / Sports
Miss Katie’s Zumba Kids
646.578.3913 | katiezumbakids11@gmail.com | Facebook
We offer FREE virtual classes on Zoom! Zumba Kids for ages 7-11, every Saturday @ 11AM. Zumba Kids Jr for ages 4-6, every Sunday @ 11AM. Adult Zumba every Monday @ 8PM. Check our Facebook page, Zumba with Miss Katie, for more details!
Changes, Inc. Wellness Center
Jessica Braadt | 14 Rockland Avenue • 10306 | 718.351.4443 | Changesmealprep@gmail.com | Changesnutrition.net
We offer a variety of services including nutrition counseling, meal prep, and training. Call to find out how you can do this virtually! Follow me on Instagram for workout routines.
Invincible Health and Wellness
314 Merrymount St, 1 • 10314 | 718.354.5505 | kelley.olson21@gmail.com | Invinciblehealthandwellness.com
We are open for business offering virtual consultations and appointments! Email to schedule an appointment and keep up to date on our blog and Instagram page.
Common Threads
1 Edgewater Street, Suite 535 • 10305
732.910.0323 | msabbahi@commonthreads.org | commonbytes.org
We are offering free nutrition education and cooking skills digital lessons, activities, and recipes for all families!
F.C. Chaos Boxing & Fitness
10 Brick Court • 10309 | 718.419.8555 | Saltonerboxing@gmail.com | fcchaos.com
Get your kids off the couch and keep them healthy, active and fit throughout quarantine with our virtual online boxing and fitness classes. The lessons are in small group sessions and are suitable for kids from ages 6-17.
Laura Gotlin Yoga
14 Rockland Ave • 10306 | 917.669.4152 | laura.gotlin@gmail.com | lauragotlinyoga.com
Join me for Virtual Kids Yoga on Fridays at 4pm-4:45pm via Zoom. Ages 5-10. Class price $10. Sibling discount- $5 each additional child.Register via email: yogahustler@gmail.com
5 Boro Power Yoga
718.667.5279 | 5boropoweryoga@gmail.com | 5bpy.com
Tween Classes (ages 10-15) on Monday at 4pm and Friday at 6pm – includes yoga, meditation, and discussion $12 or 5 classes for $50. Kids Yoga & Storytelling (ages 4-9) Thursday at 4.15pm – free/pay what you can!
Red Bulls Youth Programs
600 Cape May St. • New, Jersey | 888.370.7287 | training@newyorkredbulls.com | redbullsacademy.com/training
The New York Red Bulls Youth Programs has released a full-scale “Train @ Home” plan for your child! Each week they will be sharing new content and videos for your child to develop their skills and fitness at home. Sign-up here to access the weekly content. Your child will be able to use a scorecard to track their progress, join in fun quizzes and challenges, and even see surprise guests each week!
The Write Place
347.461.0135 | readandwritemindfully@gmail.com | Facebook
Writing coach and tutoring services available: resume writing & formatting, cover letters, high school essays, college essays, creative writing, business documents, and specialty documents.
Girls With Imapct
914.522.7966 | Ellen.manger@girlswithimpact.com | girlswithimpact.org
Due to Covid-19, we are offering FREE remote learning classes for girls age 12-18. Sign her up for the experience of a lifetime.
Lizette Colon | 216 Sneden Avenue • 10312 | 917.829.1150 | lcolon0630@aol.com | youravon.com/lc
Welcome to my online Avon store. Servicing the Staten Island, NY area South & North Shore. You can pick up your orders at my home or if you wish to order directly through me I will ship out your order for free directly to your home.
The Babysitter Guru
646.730.2587 | Staten Island, NY • 10303 | thebabysitterguru@gmail.com | thebabysitterguru.com
The Babysitter Guru is an informational hub that empowers babysitters through informational content and resources while also assisting parents in their transition to seeking childcare. I am happy to announce I’ll be offering a FREE babysitting course for preteens and/or teenagers interested in becoming babysitters. This is the very first course for babysitters created by a babysitter with 8+ years of experience. Please contact me today. Enrolling children between the ages of 11 to 16 years old.
H.O.M.E. by Shay
917.776.7905 | info@homebyshay.com | homebyshay.com
We are deeply saddened that we cannot conduct in-home organizing. But we are offering Virtual Organizing to continue servicing our amazing clients. We can help you tackle that cluttered space from behind the screen. We will be there with you every step of the way and map out a strategic plan to help you get there.
Tentative Re-Opening Date: To be determined
917.887.8672 | lisagessert@gmail.com | organizing.buzz
Visit my website to schedule your virtual session!
Richmond County Day Camp
Good news…We are open!!! For more information or to register visit rcdc.campbrainregistration.com or call 718.761.1492.
Smiles Around Us Summer Program
Starting June 29. Visit greatschools.org/new-york/staten-island/8666-Smiles-Around-Us-Academy or call 718.390.0070.
Fun Station Day Camp is ready for Summer Camp!
Check out funstationdaycamp.com for a VIRTUAL TOUR & read our COVID Safety Guidelines. 50% Limited Capacity, Limited Space Remaining!
Kids Dental
4864 Arthur Kill Rd • 10309 | 718.356.5437 | Kidsdental4864@gmail.com | sikidsdental.com
We are open to help with your child’s dental emergency via teledentistry or with a scheduled office visit. We have instituted new COVID19 safety precautions to keep your child safe. As always Kids Dental is helping children one smile at a time.
Sterling Optical
2626 Hylan Blvd • 10306 | 718.987.7200 | sterlingoptical.com
A Doctor is on staff – by appointment. We fit contact lenses and have a large eyeglass selection. We take most insurances.
Egger’s Ice Cream Parlor
1194 Forest Avenue • 10310 | 718.981.2110 | info@eggersicecreamparlor.com | eggersicecream.com
Egger’s Ice Cream Parlor is open at our Forest Avenue location for curbside pick up and delivery, servicing the entire island! We have special Sundae Fundae packages for making your own sundaes listed on our website! Our other locations will reopen soon.
Bricks 4 Kids
72 Sharrott Avenue • 10309 | 347.534.7925 | dcesare@bricks4kidz.com | bricks4kidz.com/SINY
We are beginning online workshops on Saturday, May 2nd. Signup on our website. Coming soon summer online programs and onsite programs meeting social distancing guidelines limited to 6 students per workshop. Email inquiries to dcesare@bricks4kidz.com
Fuggetta Contracting Corp
718.317.7665 | Fuggettacontracting@outlook.com | fuggettapools.com
The government is allowing us to OPEN POOLS again! Even if it’s too cold to go in, we hope that looking at the water helps bring good feelings and a sense of happiness. Our office hours are now 9am-3pm. We look forward to servicing you this season!
Post Exterminating Company, Inc.
363 VanDuzer Street • 10304 | 718-447-1234 | loffredomark@gmail.com | postexterminating.com
As an essential business, Post Exterminating is on the job every day keeping essential businesses and services pest free. We are also here to address the needs of residents who are doing their part by #stayinghome. We are certified to provide sanitizing and disinfecting for homes and businesses.
Unreal Escapes
2571 Arthur Kill Road • 10309 | 877.867.3255 | unrealescapes@gmail.com | unrealescapes.com
Voted #1 Escape Room in The World. New York City’s Premier Live Escape Room Experience. Offering live challenging puzzle and mind-bending experiences that will challenge your problem-solving skills. Our experiences are now private to your group only.
Lubella Boutique
95 Page Avenue • 10309 | 954.579.0300
We are now open for two hours a day. Our trendy fashionable cloth masks will be for sale along with fresh baked cookies provided by The Cookie House. Hours may vary, so please follow us on Instagram or call to confirm daily hours.
Richmond County Day Camp
6581 Hylan Blvd • 10309 | 718.761.1492 | rcdaycamp@gmail.com | Rcdaycamp.com
Richmond County Day Camp will open for its 26th summer. Check our web site, Facebook, and Instagram pages for updates, video messages and activities. Enroll now and make no payments until June 1.
Aria Exterior Cleaning, Inc.
428 Sleight Ave • 10307 | 347.416.4744 | Ariaexteriorcleaning@gmail.com | Facebook
As cleaning services have been deemed an essential service by NY and the surrounding areas, we are here to make your home or business shine a little brighter.
Transfer City USA
77 Lincoln Avenue • 10306 | 718.980.4375| transfercity@hotmail.com | transfercityusa.com
We are open by appointment. We can transfer all videotapes to DVD or files and convert files to DVD and Blu-Ray. We can transfer slides, photos, and negatives to prints, files, DVDs, and Blu-Ray. We take all your audio cassettes, records, and reel to reels and convert them to CD and MP3.
Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden
1000 Richmond Terrace • 10301
718.425.3504 | info@snug-harbor.org | snug-harbor.org
Our main outdoor grounds are open to the public 7 days a week, from dawn until dusk, however, our buildings are closed and programming postponed until further notice. We are excited to have launched Snug Harbor at Home: a brand new series of live stream events, hands-on activities, and virtual explorations, bringing the best of Snug Harbor to you! Learn more at snug-harbor.org/snugharborathome
Munchkin Manor Daycare
16 Hunter Street • 10304 | 718.816.0639 | Munchkinmanor12@hotmail.com | Facebook.com/MunchkinManorDaycareSI
We are a small in-home daycare that is open and has temporary spots for any essential workers. At Munchkin Manor, we are cleaning several times throughout the day and doing all the necessary precautions. We provide a safe and loving environment full of fun and learning, 2 meals, and 2 snacks are provided.
Empire Outlets
In accordance with the new mandate from New York State, the majority of Empire Outlets and its public spaces will be closed until further notice. However, Empire Outlets will keep the waterfront esplanade open for the neighborhood for responsible social distancing along the shore. Walgreens will also remain open to support the local community, as well as Shake Shack for takeout until further notice. The parking facility will also remain open for workers of essential businesses who rely on the Staten Island Ferry public transit.
Barnes & Noble Staten Island
2655 Richmond Avenue • 10314 | crm3309@bn.com | stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/3309
Barnes & Noble is closed but you can place your order for curbside pickup here. We are fully stocked with puzzles, books, and games. Teachers still receive 20% off with an educator card. Pay online, pick up curbside. Large orders can be delivered. Call 718-355-6033 or email CRM3309@bn.com.
Historic Richmond Town
441 Clarke Avenue • 10306 | 718.351.1611 | akennard@historicrichmondtown.org | historicrichmondtown.org
Buildings/programs temporarily closed/canceled. Grounds remain OPEN. Enjoy HRT’s “Arts & Culture in Quarantine”
Richmond County Savings Bank
katelin.quest@mynycb.com | myNYCB.com
Please visit myNYCB.com for important information regarding Richmond County Savings Bank Branch availability including branch hours modifications.
Harvest Cafe
718.987.1234 | 694 New Dorp Lane • 10306 | Khepsen@avspny.org | harvestcafe-si.org
The Harvest Cafe is currently open for pick-up and delivery during the COVID-19 health crisis. Please let us help by providing you with our delicious food!
Wendy’s would like to thank our first responders and medical personnel for all their efforts to keep this community safe. Stop by any Staten Island Location Drive-Thru Window from 6:00 am-1:00 am for a free cup of coffee or free junior frosty.
Fairfield Inn & Suites Staten Island
290 Wild Avenue • 10314 | 718.698.8811 | annec@prestigehg.com | marriott.com/nycfd
The Fairfield by Marriott New York Staten Island is open and here to assist with lodging needs for any of our emergency first responders, traveling nurses and doctors, National Guard, Army Corp of Engineers, and all others who may need hotel accommodations in the Staten Island area. We are here to help and have guest rooms available.
Ajar Painting Inc.
672 Craig Avenue • 10307 | 917.374.8401 | AjarPainting@gmail.com
We are still open for business! Please call us if you are in need of any repairs or home improvements at this time.
Avenel Performing Arts Center
150 Avenel Street • 07001 | 732.554.1960 | brad.sarboukh@avenelarts.com | avenelarts.com
APAC will be re-opening on 6/19/20. We sincerely appreciate your patience and continued support. The APAC staff is working remotely full-time hours of 9am–5pm, Mon– Fri, and will return your calls and emails as soon as possible. Stay safe & be well.
No Limitz Gymnastics & Cheerleading Center
385 Wild Ave • 10314 | 646.220.9220 | danicheer64@msn.com | nolimitzgc.net
We are presently closed due to the restrictions that COVID 19 & The NY State mandates have made on our business. We are preparing our gym for the safe return of our fabulous gymnasts & cheerleaders as we plan for the upcoming season approximately in mid-July 2020.
WCC Cheer All-Stars
385 Wild Ave • 10314| 646.220.9220 | danicheer64@msn.com | WCCCHEER.com
We are presently closed due to the restrictions that COVID 19 & The NY State mandates have made on our business. We are preparing our gym for the safe return of our fabulous gymnasts & cheerleaders as we plan for the upcoming season approximately in mid-July 2020.
Snug Harbor Cultural Center & Botanical Garden
1000 Richmond Terrace • 10301
718.425.3504 | info@snug-harbor.org | snug-harbor.org
Though our buildings are closed and programming postponed until further notice, our main outdoor grounds are open to the public 7 days a week, from dawn until dusk. We are excited to have launched Snug Harbor at Home: a brand new series of live stream events, hands-on activities, and virtual explorations, bringing the best of Snug Harbor to you! Learn more at snug-harbor.org/snugharborathome
Barnes & Noble Staten Island
2655 Richmond Avenue • 10314 | crm3309@bn.com | stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/3309
As per NYC Regulations, The Barnes & Noble Cafe is now closed. Grab and Go is no longer available. Barnes & Noble is closed. Place your order for curbside pickup here. We are fully stocked with puzzles, books, and games. Teachers still receive 20% off with an educator card. Pay online, pick up curbside. Large orders can be delivered. Call 718-355-6033 or email CRM3309@bn.com.
Big Bird’s Playhouse
1859 Richmond Avenue • 10314 | 718.982.0550 | dinamarie812@aol.com | bigbirdsplayhouse.com
We are closed due to the Coronavirus. At this time we are sanitizing our whole school.
Richmond Hill Children’s Center
501 Richmond Hill Road • 10314 | 718.494.7422 | rhcc@verizon.net | rhccny.com
Per NY City’s recommendation, we are closed due to the Coronavirus. 2020 Summer and September registrations will be processed via email, and all applications for 3K for All and Pre-K for All should continue to be processed via the NYC online system MySchools (myschools.nyc/en/). All existing student families will receive emails on how to participate in remote learning via Google Classroom. Be safe, be well, think about your neighbors, and be part of the solution. The world will always have challenges, and as before, we will work through them. See you soon.
Gateway National Recreation Area
All of Gateway National Recreation Area’s facilities, including visitor centers and ranger stations, are temporarily closed until further notice. Programs and events are also canceled until further notice. Where it is possible to adhere to the latest health guidance, our open spaces, including trails and shorelines, remain open for visitor use.
Barnes & Noble Staten Island
2655 Richmond Avenue • 10314 | crm3309@bn.com | stores.barnesandnoble.com/store/3309
At the request of local public health officials, this Barnes & Noble location is temporarily closed. We are offering curbside pickup only for Buy Online, Pickup In-Store orders placed on BN.com. Please call the store when you arrive to pick up your order.
Historic Richmond Town
441 Clarke Avenue • 10306 | 718.351.1611 | akennard@historicrichmondtown.org | historicrichmondtown.org
Buildings/programs temporarily closed/canceled. Grounds remain OPEN. Enjoy HRT’s “Arts & Culture in Quarantine”
Egger’s Ice Cream Parlor
1194 Forest Avenue • 10310 | 718.981.2110 | info@eggersicecreamparlor.com | eggersicecream.com
441 Clarke Avenue • 10306 | 718.280.1442 | info@eggersicecream.com | eggersicecream.com
Egger’s Ice Cream Parlor is open at our Forest Avenue and Clarke Avenue locations for curbside pick up and delivery, servicing the entire island! We have special Sundae Fundae packages for making your own sundaes listed on our website! Our other locations will reopen soon.
Giovanni’s Trattoria
718.227.3914 | giovannis.nyc
Offering pizza making kits plus our entire menu is available for pick up and delivery 6 days a week!
Offering FREE DELIVERY anywhere on Staten Island. Lots of menu items to choose from including healthy pre-made meals in microwave containers. Visit our Facebook page for all of our specials. Order online or call 718-370-0100.
Harvest Cafe
718.987.1234 | 694 New Dorp Lane • 10306 | Khepsen@avspny.org | harvestcafe-si.org
The Harvest Cafe is currently open for pick-up and delivery during the COVID-19 health crisis. Please let us help by providing you with our delicious food!
Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill + Bar
430 New Dorp Lane • 10306 | 718.980.7800 | nda03@applemetro.com | applebees.com
We are OPEN Daily; Sun – Thur 12N – 9pm Fri/Sat 12N – 10pm for Take-Out / To-Go / Delivery. Orders can be placed at Applebees.com or on the Applebee’s Mobile App.
@shakeshack at #EmpireOutlets is open for to-go pick-up and delivery orders only from 11am-8pm. Head to the Shack App, order.shakeshack.com, or order delivery via @grubhub!
–Do it Yourself Kits
Cutest Cookies
1300 Hylan Blvd • 10305 | 718.966.2883 | Cutestcookies@aol.com | Cutestcookies.com
Cutest Cookies has created cookie decorating kits that you can do at home. Free delivery on Staten Island on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The pictures of the kits can be viewed on Facebook and Instagram.
A.F.Bennett Salon & Wellness Spa
350 New Dorp Lane • 10306 • 718.979.9000 | frank@afbennett.com | afbennett.com
$30 Basic Color Kit includes everything you need to get the job done at home. $55 Deluxe Color Kit plus your customized overlay glaze & deep conditioning mask. Email Frank@afbennett.com to place your order.
Chalking with Jenn
646-996-9121 | jennzie1125@gmail.com | chalkcouture.com/jennzie1125
Chalking is fun for the whole family! Create amazing projects your child can hang up in their room or have your kids design their own memory & tic tac toe games. Parents, need a break? Join one of our zoom craft classes! Most products are reusable!
Crafty Kids Staten Island
153 Main Street • 10307 | 9172733009 | Adrianasarts1@gmail.com | facebook.com/craftykidssi
Since we had to suspend classes we are selling cute at-home kits on our Facebook page. We will be opening registration for Camp and September! We also offer Mommy and Me classes as well as our Little Learners classes (drop off) and camp once we re-open.
718.619.3723 | Artsndraftsco@gmail.com | squareup.com/store/artsndrafts
Create your own DIY wood signs with our “Board at Home” Kits! Great for all ages, no skill or artistic ability necessary. Many design & paint options to choose from. FREE STATEN ISLAND CONTACTLESS DELIVERY within 1-5 days of purchase.
Yaymaker Staten Island
917.751.2473 | Staten Island, NY • 10310 | yaymakerstatenisland@gmail.com | yaymaker.com
Yaymaker Staten Island is offering ceramic Paint at Home kits. Doorstep delivery. Kit includes a ceramic piece, paint cups, and brushes. Email us for details. We are also hosting a virtual paint class!
8 Johnson Street • 10309 | 718.966.5990 | courtney@kidzrocksi.com | kidzrocksi.com
Kidzrock and BASH Balloons and Events have teamed up and are offering no contact balloon and themed party activity kit deliveries. Celebrations and milestones are still happening and we are trying our best to bring smiles to your loved ones during this difficult time. Kits include crafts, favors, decorations, etc. Supplies are limited. Balloons for all ages as well. Taking orders on FB and IG
Hammer and Stain NYC
718.966.4200 | 3984 Amboy Road • 10308 | hammerandstainnyc@gmail.com | hammerandstainnyc.com
All DIY workshops have been suspended until at least sometime in April. We are offering Hammer and Home Kits which may be pre-ordered online or Grab and Go kits that are already set up in the studio. Our kids consist of wood projects, pillows, and ceramics. Please check our Facebook page for updated times to stop in.
Kids Dental
4864 Arthur Kill Rd • 10309 | 718.356.5437 | Kidsdental4864@gmail.com | sikidsdental.com
We are open to help with your child’s dental emergency via teledentistry or with a scheduled office visit. We have instituted new COVID19 safety precautions to keep your child safe. As always Kids Dental is helping children one smile at a time.
Angelic Childcare Services
718.530.9446 | alyssa@acsny.org | angelicchildcareservices.com
We are open & accepting referrals for children ages 0-3 in need of Early Intervention Services. Call today and virtually meet with a Service Coordinator within 2 days. All services are at no cost to families, and can currently be done virtually.
Talkaroo Academy
609.619.0333 | talkarooacademy@gmail.com | Talkarooacademy.com
Free Learn to Talk classes on Tuesdays @4pm (for toddlers on their moms’ lap) offered by Talkaroo Academy Facebook Group via Zoom (you will need to download the app). Register here.
Angela Capece, LMHC
Mental Health Services
917.636.3256 | acapece810@gmail.com | Learn more
As (COVID-19) continues to impact our world, I am following state-mandated guidelines and providing video/phone counseling. Offering individual, couples, and family counseling.
Kids Dental
4864 Arthur Kill Rd • 10309 | 718.356.5437 | kidsdental4864@gmail.com | sikidsdental.com
Speak to the dentist from the safety of your own home. Now offering teledentistry appointments. Call or email us.
Richmond University Medical Center
A 24-hour hotline has been set up to support people feeling stressed or full of anxiety as a result of the rapidly clanging developments around COVID-19. Callers will be directed to speak with our clinical staff from the Dept of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences. The number is 718-818-6300. All conversations and information will be kept confidential.
Emma’s Place
Staten Island Grief and Loss Center for Children and Families
1000 Richmond Terrace • 10301 | Cottage Row, Cottage D | 347.850.2322 | info@emmasplacesi.org | emmasplacesi.org
Emma’s Place grief support groups are temporarily suspended. A video link for parents can be found here. We will be providing virtual helpful tips and activities shortly. Groups will reunite virtually as well. More details to come.
Blue Skies Psychological Services, P.C.
710 Forest Avenue | 347.464.5550 | rob@blueskiespsychological.com | blueskiespsychological.com
Blue Skies Psychological Services remains open and committed to providing the Staten Island Community with behavioral health services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our services are provided safely through our secure telehealth platform. Please, visit our website to learn more or schedule an appointment.
Sunny Days Consulting Services Early Intervention Services
1110 South Avenue, Suite 405 • 10314 | 718.556.1616 | dsalzberg@sunnydays.com | sunnydays.com
All Early Intervention Services (birth to age three) are now being provided via telehealth. If you are interested in referring your child to the Early Intervention Program, please email Barbara Rodriguez (brodriguez@sunnydays.com) who will take your referral and explain the Early Intervention Program to you. While our office is currently closed, you can still leave a message as all voicemails are being checked daily. Someone will follow-up with you.
Leaps and Bounds Pediatric Physical Therapy
718.477.1911 | leaps-n-bounds@hotmail.com | leapsandboundspt.net
We are offering telehealth physical therapy services for our patients starting March 23, 2020. Please contact our office if interested in setting up an appointment for more information.
Healthcare Associates in Medicine, PC
3333 & 3311 Hylan Blvd, 1099 Targee St., 65 Columbus
718.448.3210 | patientrelations@hca-si.com | hca-si.com
See a doctor from the safety of your own home! Now offering TELEHEALTH appointments (phone/video). Call us at 718.448 3210
C&K Dental Boutique
2781 Amboy Rd • 10306 | 718.355.9700 | si@ckdentalboutique.com | ckdentalboutique.com
Offering virtual consultations. Also, we are raising funds to buy food and supplies for local hospital teams. For every $20 donation we are giving back $20 towards treatment at our office, please donate here.
Hotline Labor and Birth Support NYC
Doulas know the NYC pregnant community needs support now more than ever. We do not want anyone to birth during COVID-19 without extra support. The NYC Doula community has come together to hold space and offer virtual labor and birth support to the NYC pregnant community. Connect with them on the private FB group to access 24/7 donation-based support via the doula on-call. Join the group here: https://bit.ly/NYCDoulaHotline #NYCDoulaHotline
Hiatt Magical Vacations
646.234.3159 | Lori@hiattmagicalvacations.com | Facebook
Booking travel for dates for 2020-2021 seasons. There are great deals out. All-inclusives are a big hit with some great packages. Disney for 2021 packages are not out yet, you can be added to my list for contact. Look forward to working with you.
Chocolate & Balloons by Egger’s
1398 Forest Avenue • 10302 | 718.698.2112 | chocolateandballons@eggersicecream.com | chocolateandballoons.com
Chocolate & Balloons by Egger’s offers you all your party needs including balloons for inside and outside your house or a special occasion drive by! We can send chocolate strawberries, edible fruit arrangements, and gift baskets for any occasion!
ABC School Photography
718.356.0232 | abcschoolphotoinc@msn.com | abcschoolphoto.com
Photography sessions offered in a safe socially distanced environment that follows all state guidelines. Senior Sessions, School Portraits, Special Events, Yearbook Portraits. Call for information and pricing.
Stanley Steemer
718.420.6436 | thomas.hare@steemer.com | stanleysteemer.com
We are open! We are offering disinfectant FREE OF CHARGE with any scheduled carpet, tile, upholstery, or wood cleaning for the foreseeable future to combat SARS-CoV2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Call to schedule or book online today.
E Squared
718.227.3235 | contact@e2dj.com | e2dj.com
We are happy to announce our new Birthday Parade from inside our E Squared Vans. Call or email us today to schedule your parade!
Young People’s Day Camp
3441 Victory Blvd • 10314 | 718-701-3600 | keith@ypdc.com | ypdc.com
As of now, Young People’s Day Camp will open this summer. We are hopeful this horrible virus will be behind us and the children can have a great summer. They all deserve it, as do the parents after this pandemic. Looking forward to summer #48!
1199SEIU Employment Center
718.448.7482 | YFSWU_SI@1199funds.org
Interested in working in Healthcare? Our 1199SEIU Employment Staff is working remotely! Submit your resume to YFSWU_SI@1199funds.org
Fidelis Care
Our mission is to offer Health Insurance to the community. Visit Fideliscare.org we have videos for all your questions.
Fenix Studios
4442 Arthur Kill Road • 10309 | 718.227.2345 | catherine@fenixstudios.com | fenixstudios.com
Offering fun and educational lessons, including music and other forms of creativity. Self-direction accepted.
The Essential Heroes Project
The goal of The Essential Heroes Project is to bring smiles to all of those helping keep us safe and healthy every day while we all go through the coronavirus lockdown and teaching our kids the importance of gratitude. Please join in on this fun project by posting and tagging us or emailing your photos to theessentialheroes@gmail.com.
Crossfit Freshkills Gym
389 Wild Avenue • 10314 | 718.344.3245 | dougfdny2010@gmail.com | crossfitfreshkills.com
We are here to help by guiding Staten Islanders to stay healthy mentally and physically through this difficult time.
Staten Island Lacrosse
We are planning to hold our summer programs as scheduled. Please keep checking our website and SI Parent’s Daily Dose – sign up here– for updates and information on registration.
Richmond Republic, The Pizza Parlor, The Hop Shoppe & Play Sports Bar
To express their gratitude to the hardworking nurses, doctors and EMS, Richmond Republic, The Pizza Parlor, The Hop Shoppe & Play Sports Bar are matching food donations to Staten Island hospitals. For example: if you send $50 worth of pizza to SIUH South, The Pizza Parlor will send $50 as well — bringing the total to $100 worth of food delivered in your name. Call 646-342-6796 to donate a meal today.
Advanced Air Services Inc.
116 Bay 28 Street • Brooklyn, NY 11214 | 718.946.3953 | adv_air@yahoo.com | AdvancedAirNY@yahoo.com
We provide professional air duct cleaning, dryer vent cleaning, and more to residential and commercial properties throughout Staten Island and Brooklyn. 16 years in business. Special: $170.00 for single Heating or AC system.
Fun Station Day Camp
Fun Station Day Camp is looking forward to a great summer! Register online now for a $200 discount. To speak to a live rep call 718-569-5426 – 100% refundable before 6/1/20.
Staten Island Day Camp
The ultimate day camp experience for children ages 4 through 14.
Although the opening day is still three months away, we are now offering registration WITH NO DEPOSIT OR FINANCIAL COMMITMENT. This will guarantee a spot for your child! When we are closer to the start of camp, we will contact you and make suitable arrangements for tuition. To contact a camp representative, please send us an email at sidaycamp@aol.com or call us at 800.301.2267. Visit our website at statenislanddaycamp.com where you can take a virtual tour and find out more about our programs including our swim program.
Mamarazzi Shots Photography
2900 Veterans Rd W • 10309 | 646.523.2561 | mamarazzishots@gmail.com | facebook.com/MamarazziShots
We are offering Easter Digital Sessions. Choose from 4 Easter themed digitally added backdrops at $35 each. Contact us!
Business owners, tell us what you are doing for FREE for your clients and Staten Island Parent will share with our community for FREE!